Term 3 school holidays started yesterday and my baking frenzy kicked off by baking Matthew’s favourite bacon and cheese buns. Here is the recipe:
Chinese Steamed Bun
Last weekend I decided to make some Chinese steamed buns. However, I did not have the special Chinese bun flour from the oriental shop which would make my buns’ skin whiter. I decided to just use the Lighthouse brand extra white, low protein self-raising flour and the buns turned out just as good as the ones in the dim sum restaurant. Here is the recipe for the dough and filling of the buns:
Waffles made in Breville Waffle Maker
Over the weekend my husband made waffles with the help of our old and faithful Breville Waffle Maker. My boys love to eat waffles with butter and maple syrup for breakfast.
Macaroni Cheese in Breville Flavour Maker
My sons love macaroni cheese. I decided to cook it in my Breville Flavour Maker because I will only need to wash the easy sear pan. It saves me from washing a few pots to prepare this dish.

Flavour Maker comes with an easy sear pan. I was able to sear the bacon bits in this pan over the stovetop and then once the searing process is done, I place back the sear pan into the slow cooker base and start the slow cooking function.
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Fried Egg in Philips XL Airfryer
I have decided to have a healthy diet but I do love my fried food. Therefore, I decided to purchase the Philips XL Airfyer that uses little oil or no oil at all. Now even my son who is 8 years old knows how to fry a fried egg effortlessly. All he needs is to crack an egg into a bowl and whisk it. Then, sprinkle a dash of salt and add 1/2 tablespoon of milk into the egg mixture. Pour the egg mixture into an oiled baking pan and place the baking pan in the airfryer. Next, set the temperature of the airfryer at 200 degrees Celcius and cook for 9 minutes or until the fried eggs are well-cooked in the middle and it is golden brown.