Last weekend I decided to make some Chinese steamed buns. However, I did not have the special Chinese bun flour from the oriental shop which would make my buns’ skin whiter. I decided to just use the Lighthouse brand extra white, low protein self-raising flour and the buns turned out just as good as the ones in the dim sum restaurant. Here is the recipe for the dough and filling of the buns:
Char Siew Pie in Sunbeam Pie Magic

My children prefer char siew pie more than char siew bao. Char siew bao is actually barbecued pork bun which is more commonly known by everyone. I have a Sunbeam Pie Maker which comes very handy whenever I have leftover meat dishes like curry chicken, beef stew and beef rendang. I will use these meat dishes as fillings for my pie and my family loves them. By doing this, I do not waste any food and they get eaten up in a different form – pie.