I have decided to have a healthy diet but I do love my fried food. Therefore, I decided to purchase the Philips XL Airfyer that uses little oil or no oil at all. Now even my son who is 8 years old knows how to fry a fried egg effortlessly. All he needs is to crack an egg into a bowl and whisk it. Then, sprinkle a dash of salt and add 1/2 tablespoon of milk into the egg mixture. Pour the egg mixture into an oiled baking pan and place the baking pan in the airfryer. Next, set the temperature of the airfryer at 200 degrees Celcius and cook for 9 minutes or until the fried eggs are well-cooked in the middle and it is golden brown.

This pan has to be thoroughly washed after any frying or roasting process to avoid smokey cooking later.

This grill pan is a great cooking tool to fry, brown or sear fish, prawns or steak without getting oil splashes on you or making the kitchen oily. It makes cleaning much easier too because it is a non-stick pan. You can get it from GoodGuys.

You can put your chips or spring rolls in the basket above to fry them. All you need is only 1 tbsp of olive oil.

The above is a non-stick baking pan that comes with the airfryer. You cook food with liquid in it. My kids tend to fry their omelette in this pan.